Dear Big Brother,
I come to you with much respect and obedience, as you may already know I have been trying to live my life and do as a please despite your brilliant rules and regulations. Firstly I would like to let you know the thought of over-throwing your system or even changing your system never crossed my mind. I was just immature and wasn't thinking right when I decided to engage in that relationship. Many people tried to warn me I wouldn't get away with it, and yes I tried to out think you but never anything more.
If I was giving a second chance I would do good by you and, you would forget i was ever in this predicament. I would be a new person completely, I would follow every single rule without hesitation. I know your probably thinking why should you believe me or trust me, but you know my every thought my every move and my every emotions. There would be nothing I would be able to get by you and I wouldn't even try to put anything by you.
Once again i come to you in pity to beg for my life "I love Big Brother" and I want to live by your rules and in your community.
Sincerely ,
Someone you keep around.